Parts for floating boatlifts & jetdocks
To compose our boat and/or jetski bases, we only use 4 basic parts:
- A one-piece entry ramp, to accommodate the bow as close as possible to the water
- two cradles (left and right) which add up to adapt the length of the base to the length of the shell
- a stop cradle which receives the bow at the end of its travel.
Thus, we can design all types of basis boat or jetskis, link them together for machine parks, associate them with other structures thus creating a larger realization, make them evolve in the event of a change of boat, change that one piece in case of breakage or damage, âŠ
The system is truly scalable and suitable for harsh conditions.
Each module is fitted with side and central cushions, limiting moving parts, interlocked by clipping and easily replaceable if necessary. They improve load distribution and provide excellent glide to the boat.
Simple and effective, our solution has no mechanical or metallic parts and does not require any particular maintenance (apart from periodic checks as described in the user manual) or power supply.

Berceau dâarrĂȘt pour accueillir lâĂ©trave en bout de course.

Compatibles Ă 100 % avec les cubes EcoSystem, tous nos berceaux sont dotĂ©s du systĂšme de gorges mĂąle/femelle garantissant un assemblage dâune stabilitĂ© remarquable.

Développement 100% Français
Fabrication 100% Française

Assemblage rigide par profils emboitables des berceaux gauches et droits , tout en conservant la souplesse nĂ©cessaire pour accueillir le bateau et laisser Ă©vacuer lâeau.

Protection optimale du bateau sans éléments pouvant abßmer la coque
Protection de la structure (contre les virures, Ă©traves coupantes, …)
Coussins emboités par clippage, faciles à remplacer si besoin
Meilleure répartition de la charge et glisse excellente

Plastique PEHD 7 mm de qualité supérieure, résistant aux UV.
Fabrication par soufflage pour une qualité de finition irréprochable
MatĂ©riau inerte, sans dispersion dans lâenvironnement et recyclable Ă 100%.

AllongeÌe de 25 cm pour faciliter la monteÌe
Dâune seule pieÌce pour plus de coheÌsion
Deux coussins centraux et 2 lateÌraux

RĂ©sistance Ă lâarrachement de 2 tonnes par “oreille”.

Encore plus reÌsistant graÌce au soufflage Compatible avec les anciens berceaux
Coussins fixeÌs par clipage, facile aÌ changer
The assembled bases are compatible with the latest generation Jetskis, boats with outboard motors and Sail-Drive, rigid and semi-rigid, from 4 to 9 meters and up to 4.5 tons.
Technical details & parts
- 12 kg/piece
- Dimensions: 150cm x 50cm x 40/20cm
- Tear-out resistance: up to 2 t/ear
- High Density Polyethylene
- Anti-UV & antistatic treatment
- Fire and frost resistance
- Rotational molding
- High mechanical resistance (shocks and environmental impacts)
- 7.5 kg/piece
- Dimensions: 75cm x 50cm x 40/20cm
- Minimum width of a base: 150 cm (i.e. 3 cubes)
- Tear-out resistance: up to 2 t/ear
- High Density Polyethylene
- Anti-UV & antistatic treatment
- Fire and frost resistance
- Blow molding
- High mechanical resistance (shocks and environmental impacts)
- 14 kg/piece
- Dimensions: 150cm x 75cm x 40/20cm
- Minimum width of a base: 150 cm (i.e. 3 cubes)
- Tear-out resistance: up to 2 t/ear
- High Density Polyethylene
- Anti-UV & antistatic treatment
- Fire and frost resistance
- Rotational molding
- High mechanical resistance (shocks and environmental impacts)